Wednesday 20 February 2008


Yep, the title of one of my favorite episodes of The Young Ones. Apart from reminding me of my not-so-studious past, when cleaning one's toenails held more appeal than another philosophy lecture in the Old Arts building, there was a performance in the guys' living room by Madness!!

Baggy trousers, baggy trousers....

Ok, enough of that. It's BORING being in between cycles. I swear, we have been cycling since July 2007 and I have seriously managed to only do one complete stim and one FET. Some people have done their 4 damn stims and got their sticky BFP by now. And can I just thank you once again, dear blighted ovum, for making me miss another 2 good months of FET-ing.

What is is about my life that seems to elongate every one of my life experiences? I was thinking, as I watched the kids play cricket today at school, that if I manage to pop out a human in the next couple of years, I will be around 60 when said human is doing Year 12. That part actually doesn't bother me one bit. Just like all those young mums have this fantasy that after their kids grow up, they will miraculously get that postgraduate degree, brilliant career and travel around the world, I have a fantasy that when I'm too old, decrepit and tired to have fun anymore, it'll be a great time to dag around the house with teens. After all, youth is wasted on the young (thank you Oscar Wilde).

And so we wait, dear reader, and so we wait......

1 comment:

Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Oh no, isn't that the episode where Neil is so bored he digs his own grave? Mez, step away from the shovel... :)