Thursday 22 May 2008

Eggs-actly what I wanted to hear!!

Ok, that was so lame, I'm going to apologise and force myself to watch another episode of The Bold and the Beautiful so I can be reminded again just how fertile 47-year-olds really are. (That would be you, Brooke Logan Forrester Moroney etc etc)

So, EPU was good. E2 was 6000 3 days prior, so I was expecting maybe 12, with a few immatures. I got 10 and 8 fertilised with straight IVF, thus reinforcing the bizarre paradox of an ancient infertile hag being an excellent responder with "good eggs". I haven't heard from the clinic, but I will be in on Saturday to transfer 2 little blast-offs and I'm pretty confident there'll be at least 2. Not for this clinic the daily updates that I was used to in WA, but hey, I'm paying $3000 less per stim, so I'll wear the disinterest.....with interest!!

I'm kind of vaguely impressed by the old antagonist protocol as well. Not only did I still get a flipping good haul on a low dose of FSH, but my fert rate was 80% as opposed to 69% on the down reg. In addition, the lack of lucrin has meant that I'm feeling fine, baby. No mood swings, no fatigue, no bloating, no worries! 12 days of drugs to EPU is OK by me.

I've started my prednisolone and my skin and eyes are sparkling maniacally like the proverbial Stepford Wives, plus I've put myself on baby aspirin on the "it can't hurt" theory. Apparently being ANA+, I'm at risk of platelets rising when my body reacts to dastardly foreign invaders, so miniscule clots can affect implantation at this early stage.

I'm still extremely pessimistic. I am truly at the stage where I'm sure we are merely going through the motions so we can say that we did our best, but I'm very dubious that there'll be a take-home baby at the end of all this. I just can't even think it anymore. I'm mentally preparing for a childfree life at the end of the year, as I'm not one who will keep going and going like Everready. Perhaps I'm weak, perhaps I'm strong. All I know is, I want resolution!!

1 comment:

Kaz said...

So stoked for your fert Mez! Glad to read the antag treated you well (and I bet hubby was happy too!) Lets hope the new protocol does the trick....xx Kaz