Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Stupidity and the City. (warning-spoilers)

Infertility has had some unexpected side-effects. On top of everything else, my prior movie-buff persona has taken a battering. Consider the following eagerly awaited movies of the last 6 months which I found myself newly unable to consider as mere light entertainment:

1. Waitress. No, I don't want to see a movie about a pregnant teen.
2. Juno. See above. This one killed me, rave reviews AND Michael Cera and Jason Bateman from Arrested Development.
3. Then She found Me. This hurt too. Colin Firth AND Bette Midler. Oy Vey.
4. Baby Mama. Tina Fey AND Amy Poeler from the aforementioned Arrested Development, my second favorite sitcom of all time. (No-one knocks off Seinfeld, baby)
5. Sex and the City.......OK, this one ain't getting away.

I spent a goodly portion of my early 30s with these gals and found them to be highly appropriate role-models for the following reasons:

1. Only 1 out of the 4, 35+ year olds actually managed to have a child (excluding the later adoption plot). I find this more in keeping with the statistics presented by Fertility Clinics and, thus, appropriately realistic.
2. The one that managed to have a child got fat and was excluded from general fun stuff and girly shenanigans by the others. Yay!
3. Carrie did what millions of single/childless gals felt like doing in that Tatum O'Neal episode when her Manolos went missing. Sending a bridal registry for yourself to recoup years of gifts from smug married friends, genius!
4. Charlotte did not have success with IVF. (or whatever AC it is she did with Trey...looked like some sort of OI at least)
5. Samantha living and loving it Child free. Not to make any assumptions, but Kim Cattrall does seem awfully fabulous IRL and kudos to her for not going down the cliche celebrity-adoption route that seems so easy in the good old US of Adoption. (And that includes the Aussie celeb queue jumpers; yes, I'm glaring at you, Ms D-L. Furness and Mr H. Jackman)

Ok, now with hindsight and the retrospective viewing of a million Foxtel re-runs, I must say that SATC does not necessarily stand up to Positive-Infertility scrutiny in these not so innocent, darker TTC years. The subtext now does not now seem nearly as benign.

1. Miranda falling pregnant with a lazy ovary, from one night of pity sex with a man with testicular cancer. COME ON!
2. Carrie finally considering children in the Aleksandr Petrovsky relationship at the age of 38. And Charlotte telling her she still has years of fertility ahead of her. RIGHT!
3. Giving poor, old, childless, sex-bomb Samantha breast-cancer and telling her it's related to being childless, in the episode also known as, "Take that, you old childless Slut!"
4. Charlotte. Ok, now we get to the point of this here blog entry.

For a change, Mez is not happy. As much as I adored catching up with the lad-ees again, I have a rather large, barren bone to pick with the writers of our movie sequel.


Deep breaths, deep breaths. Been holding that in since Monday.

WHY OH WHY did they choose to perpetuate 2 of the worst, infertility cliches ever in the one story arc? I myself have been known to turn to people who say "You know, so many people fall pregnant once they adopt" and earnestly enquire how many of these miracle-workers they know. Funnily enough, not so many.

Why did they do it? Why ruin a perfectly fun time with such offensive pap? I guess Charlotte finally deserved her wish-fulfillment happy-ending. The perfect Shiksa Goddess gets her perfect life after all.



Princesses in Muddy Puddles said...

Grrr... "I now have everything I've always wanted" - what is Lily then you Stupid Hollywood Fucktards!

Paleo Mary said...

Tell me about it! I kept thinking, what's Lily, chopped Liver??

Ellie said...

And why include that crappy cliched storyline at all?? It was almost an afterthought and surely they could have found a better way to get Carrie and Big back together than Charlotte's water breaking????

OT Mez - I loooooove Arrested Development. SOB!!

Kaz said...

MEZ!!! You need to piut a spoiler alert on your post!! I was scrolling down line for line, thinking maybe it will just be about past episodes and your eagernees to see the movie....but no!! (LOL!) Oh well, hoping like a PP that its just a minor part of the movie!!

Paleo Mary said...

Sorry Kaz!! Very minor, and very IRRITATING!!! Confused Charlotte=good. Smug Charlotte=bad.

Unknown said...

i can't believe that's all that bothers you about horseface and the gang. seriously, realism is not the point, it's melodrama. that's like me complaining that it is sooooo unrealistic that captain Kirk gets all the chicks. ahhhh, forgeddaboutit... also, Juno is crap.