Tuesday 29 July 2008

Out of Puff.

I'm unenthused by this cycle and can't really be bothered. I tend to mentally and physically hibernate during the 2WW, particularly the last difficult week, during which time I try to put myself on the backburner, if that's even humanly possible. In reality, I'm trying not to think about the inevitable BFN and the next step. Anyone who even vaguely believes in the power of positive thinking will assume that I'm willing it to fail. Me, I'm just gearing up the defence mechanisms to avoid the crash and burn when the red lady sings.

To update, we had transfer of 2 excellent Grade 1 blasts, one of which was even double Grade 1, apparently. Both Specialist and embryologist gushed, ooohed and aaaahed appropriately at the perfection of our little blasties, clearly thinking that this is what I need to hear. Unfortunately, I'm well versed in the perfect-blast/negative result dichotomy and was in no mood. This qualifies me, in the words of the FS, as an "old-hand" AKA a cynical infertile bitch.

Additionally, we have 1 definite Grade 1 frozen and another they were watching. So all in all, despite previous fears, probably 4 good blasts out of 5 fert. Again, cold comfort when nothing seems to be working.

BT next Monday, but not I'm not expecting to get that far.

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