Monday, 7 September 2009

Gotta see the babeee?

I proffer, most humbly, to my kind readers, abject apologies for the now, dramatic irony inherent in the nomenclature of this here blog. I just dunno how to change it! Clearly, no-one is gonna see a baby here, any time soon.

It's a strange place to be in. Last night I tossed and turned and fretted. In the morning, it occurred to me that miscarriage #5 would have been due right about now. Bummer.

I don't know where to fit in. The women at my work who have plugged the career-climbing gap in my 4-years interstate leave are actually slightly younger than me now. Yet, I sense some suspicion from that direction. Not for me the daily run from the office at 3.15 to pick up school-aged kids. I can easily hang around till 6.30 working, networking etc, and most days I do. It has been suggested to me by an older, childless colleague that I am regarded with tentative concern by these women, who have no idea where I fit in. Just what do you make of a 40-year-old without kids? Sadly, I can't help them there.

The other 2 "older" childless women profess proudly that they never wanted kids. I'm not yet at that stage of justification or subterfuge. Still I say, "it doesn't happen for everyone", with a knowing stare, daring people to query further. They never do, anymore.

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