Thursday, 31 January 2008

I Heart Melbourne.

Ahhh, Melbourne. Not Melbourne Florida, but Melbourne Australia. This blog entry is my love-letter to my home town.

What's not to love? Her teeming, grimy, grey streets, streaked by the latest grafitti-artists' obscene efforts. They go up more quickly than they can be removed. My absolute favorite thing to do in Melbourne? And I promise you that this is quite possibly the lamest thing you have ever read on the WWW, and that includes you perezhilton obsessives.

As much as I hate PT in Melbourne, with the over-priced tickets, broken machines, cancelled, filthy trains, urine-soaked stations and Bracksie's Neo-Nazi ticket inspectors (I kid you not, my brother had his jacket ripped by a flotilla of these arseholes), this is my favorite thing to do in Melbourne, of all time.

Ok, so you ride a train, doesn't matter which line. The ones I'm most familiar with are the Alamein line (childhood), Belgrave/Lilydale lines (adolescence) and the .....I can't even remember, my station as a 30-something was Heidelberg....... Upwey? Epping? That's how often I used PT as an adult.

Anyhoo, the idea is, you get the train into the city, and sit next to a window. It's more effective if you can get a bunch of seats on your own. Once you get to the inner-city stations, like from Westgarth stare into people's backyards. That's it! No, I'm not some random psycho, stalking out the lives of my inner-city brethren. I just love, love, love those crammed- together, tiny, ancient old terraces, with their mini-yards and character seeping from every window frame and narrow, cobbled laneway. I can't explain the feeling that washes over me during this experience, warm, nostalgic, kind of like one of those dreams you have that make you feel 5 again, but happy-5, not sad, tantrumming-5.

You just don't get that anywhere else.

This blog entry is dedicated to those girls in Melbourne, you know who you are. I won't name you or even give you cutesy little Sex and the City-type descriptions, but you're all going through this hell of Infertility and I want you to know that even though we've only met once, I think of your struggles often.

One day, Melbourne, I'll be back for good.

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